Frequently Asked Questions

When is the Centennial Celebration?
April 2-4, 2025

Where will the Centennial Celebration be held?
Centennial Celebration will be held at the Anaheim Marriott in Anaheim, CA.

Where should I reserve my room? How much will rooms cost?
Make sure to reserve your room in our Room Block at the Anaheim Marriott to receive a discounted rate. Room will cost approximately $300/night including taxes and fees if reserved in the room block. Click here to book your room.

Will I be able to get a discount for tickets to Disneyland Resort?
Yes! Attendees will receive a special discount for tickets to Disneyland Resort. Our exclusive discount link will be provided after you finalize your payment. 

When will registration open?
Registration is open to all members, with a rate of $750 for the Centennial Package with the ability to purchase optional add-ons! Click here to register.

The last day to register is March 5, 2025.

Why should I attend Centennial Celebration?
There are many reasons! Click here to view 10 reasons to attend!

Who should attend the Centennial Celebration from our chapter?
All members are invited to attend our Centennial Celebration. We will have programming for Patronesses, Sustainers, and Ticktockers!

Since the chapter is billed for one attendee, who should we send if we only send one person?
All members are encouraged to attend Centennial Celebration. The chapter has the discretion to decide who attends on their behalf.

Will sessions be recorded and made available after the Centennial Celebration?
We are not planning to make sessions available for online/on-demand replay after the conference. Join us onsite!

What kind of programming will be available for Forever NCL Sustainers?
Registration will be open to Sustainers to attend the 3-day Centennial Celebration and participate in all on-site programming. Additionally, Sustainers will have the option to purchase the Sustainer Package which gives them access to the Roaring 20’s Welcome Reception, Pink Carpet Luncheon, and the exclusive Forever NCL Sips & Stems event.

What kind of programming will be available for Ticktockers?
Targeting programming for Ticktockers will be available on the afternoon of Friday, April 4, 2025 with a focus on college readiness. Ticktockers and Patronesses can purchase tickets to this program as an add-on or as a standalone ticket. Ticktockers can also register for the Centennial Package if they’d like to attend the Wednesday-Friday programming!

Can Ticktockers attend the entire conference?
Ticktockers can attend the entire conference. However, Ticktocker-specific programming will only be offered Friday afternoon, April 4, from 1 p.m.-5 p.m.

What is the dress code for the event?
Please plan to dress business casual for the majority of Centennial Celebration. We will also have two themed events the Roaring 20’s Welcome Reception and the Pink Carpet Luncheon. Themed dress is options but encouraged.

Roaring 20’s Welcome Reception: 20’s Themed Clothing

Pink Carpet Luncheon: 50’s Themed Hollywood Glam

What meals are provided?
The following meals are included as part of the Centennial Package

  • Wednesday Dinner (Heavy Hors D’oeuvres)
  • Thursday Breakfast (Pastries and Coffee)
  • Thursday Lunch
  • Friday Breakfast (Pastries and Coffee)

Registrants will be asked for any dietary requirements as part of their registration. However, if you need to update your dietary requirements please email

Please note dinner is on-your-own on Thursday, April 3.

Is attendance required?
In accordance with the NCL, Inc. Affiliation Agreement all chartered chapters are required to budget for and send one representative from their chapter to the annual in-person NCL, Inc. convening.

Who pays for the travel expenses for Centennial Celebration?
Chapters must pay for one member to attend. Payment for additional members is at the discretion of the chapter. If approved by the chapter, these costs can be reimbursed directly by the chapter. Members can also pay for their own registration/travel if they wish to attend.

Where can I find Centennial brand assets?
Centennial brand assets can be found on the member website under NCL, Inc. Resources > Centennial Celebration. Chapters can download the Centennial logo, slogan and branded templates to use throughout the year for chapter events and materials. If you have any questions regarding the Centennial brand, please contact

Where can I order Centennial merch?
The only place to order Centennial merch is through our official merchandise store, ShopNCL.

National Charity League, Inc.
(714) 966-1005 |

© 2024 | National Charity League, Inc.