Share Your Story!

Help us collect stories about our 100-year history! Share a story of your NCL experience, how your relationships have grown, your favorite memory, chapter milestones, NCL’s impact on your individual accomplishments, or other historical information as we honor the past, acknowledge the present and celebrate the future!

You can submit multiple stories. Please submit one form per story.


As we near the end of the calendar year, it’s the perfect time to celebrate the rich culture of our organization. Throughout December, we’ll honor NCL’s traditions – from our signature events like Tea and Senior Recognition to cherished chapter customs.

Hear from fellow members and then share your own story!


View stories from previous months below.

November: Connections/Gratitude

October: NCL’s Evolution

September: Mother-Daughter Bond

August: NCL History


You can also view stories on our social media sites: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn

National Charity League, Inc.
(714) 966-1005 |

© 2024 | National Charity League, Inc.